Monday, November 9, 2009

FHE: Mother, May I?

A favorite Family Night game: Mother, May I? Here is a sampling of tonight's many rounds:

"Mother, may I take three big hops?"

"Mother, may I flibberdee-hollen ten times?"

"Mother, may I carry my brother two steps because I just whacked him on the foot and our Family Home Evening lesson tonight was on showing that we're sorry and not just saying it?"

As an end note, having nothing to do with Mother, May I?, except perhaps my husband saying essentially those words as I probed for the fourth time if he was sure he really wanted to keep the kitty - here is the newest addition to our family. Meet Gigi - the creative spelling for G.G. - the creative acronym for Grey Girl. She is a very sweet little kitten and everyone is taking to her quite well. Anna still screams occasionally, but there is a much more delighted tone to the scream now, instead of a purely terrified tone.
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1 comment:

The Evans Family said...

The picture of Djeryd SHOWING he's sorry is great! Perfect application. Is Anna afraid of cats? She looks like such a sweet little kitten.

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