Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Messy Pictures

While there are many things I like about a beautifully framed and shot photograph, I must admit that a part of me is drawn to these messy, everyday, raw sorts of pictures.  I feel like these capture our life a little more realistically sometimes.  The things I love about this picture is what it really says about our family.  Father's Day, house, 4th of July 065-1

:: Like how we love fresh strawberries in summer, and a big family breakfast all together makes us smile. 

:: You can see that Sean likes to put peanut butter on his pancakes. 

:: Because I have a mug at my place setting, I know that the dishwasher was full and we were out of regular drinking glasses. 

:: Alyx has been captured using a real fork for one of the first times (she’s a natural). 

:: You can see that Djeryd is learning his states (look behind Sean’s head), and we always keep an inspirational quote on the wall by the door. 

:: Erik is the only one dressed which means he was very excited about whatever was going on that day and did not want to miss a moment. 

:: Anna’s glasses are on her face at breakfast, which means that she spent the next two hours reminding me that she gets a piece of candy for having her glasses on without my asking, and I kept saying “I’ll get it in a minute”. 

:: The “6 B’s” on the wall above Erik’s head because we love the prophet. 

:: And lastly, you can see a notebook next to my plate proving my compulsive need to write everything down (oh, how I love a good list).

So here is a real snapshot of our family.  No filters, no tweaking, no tidying.  Just us.  In a good moment – because look – we’re all smiling.  ;>


Amy said...

I love it! Makes you remember your life exactly as it is.

Joo Lin said...

Best. Post. Ever.
(one day I may borrow the idea)

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