Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Take Me To the Fair

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A few weeks ago we wandered on down to the county fair.

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Each of the kids chose one ride to go on.  Anna chose the four wheelers.

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Djeryd chose hang-gliding.

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Erik chose this crazy ride that went up and down and in circles and completely ruined Sean’s appetite for the rest of the night.  (I think Erik’s face is priceless!)

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This is my favorite picture of the evening.  Sean’s nice, but casual shirt and jeans paired with beat-up sneakers and, dost mine eyes deceive me?  are those khaki dress socks? Fair and swimming 096

Then we used up the rest of our tickets playing obnoxious games.  Daddy is saving the day here on Anna’s game choice – that ball ramp thing that has to go into circles to get points – think Chuck-e-Cheese’s.

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Djeryd actually won a prize throwing a dart at a balloon.

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We trotted through all of the animal pavilions.  Some smelled like nice, clean wood shavings.  Others –  like the pigs – were horrendous – yuck!  It made me so glad I don’t live on a farm.  This turkey was puffed up and snapping at everyone.  As entertaining as it was, I felt bad for him (I hate the zoo for the same reason).

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Last, but not least, I spent my fair money on a nice hot doughboy.  Yum! (And forced Sean to take a picture of me so that five years from now my kids will know I was actually at the fair with them.)


Amy said...

May I be like you someday?? I love everything about your blog...your pictures, your narrations...everything! Keep the posts coming!

The Evans Family said...

I had to keep scrolling up to see that picture of Erik on the ride again! So classic! Although, the picture of Sean's socks was a close second...I think we saw that same turkey, and I'm totally jealous of your doughboy!

Sierra said...

Such fun! We didn't get to any fairs this year. The poultry pavilion is always good for a laugh.

Leslee said...

Erik's face is priceless. What did he say AFTER the ride?

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