Wednesday, May 23, 2012


First I said “no.”

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Then I said “yes.”

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Because really, what harm can come from your kid squeezing his own orange juice?  Yes, it was late, and they probably should have been brushing their teeth . . .

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. . . but I’ve been reading this book.  And this book is reminding me that life is all about discovering and exploring, especially when you are a child and everything is still so fresh.

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So I am trying to say “yes” a little more often.

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And trying to remember that my children learn about life by trying it out.

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And if I don’t let them try it out . . .

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I will undoubtedly miss some of those fresh-squeezed moments in life that just . . . happen.


Elder and Sister Wilcox said...

That is awesome. I'm sure I squelched you guys way too much. You are an awesome mother!!!!

Sierra said...

Did they like it? Saying no is so much easier and cleaner than saying yes usually, but not nearly as much fun!

Annalea said...

I needed to hear this today . . . thank you. :o)

The Evans Family said...

You are such a good mom!

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