Monday, July 9, 2012


So far today is one of those days.  I’m hoping that by blogging a piece of it, the rest will be better. 

My daughters woke me up way too early with squawks about wet onesies and breakfast and eyeglasses that needed cleaning and getting dressed. 

That rolled into early morning fighting over toys once the boys wandered downstairs. 

We’ve had huffy eye-rolling over jobs and lots of refusing to pick up toys or close doors because “Well, I’m not the one that did it!” 

There is dirt all over my dining room table from one of Djeryd’s model projects where he left the house before he could clean it up. 

Alyx has already spilled a cup of water all over my open dayplanner and smeared toothpaste in her hair. 

Erik decided to rinse the can of fruit cocktail under water to get all that sticky sweet fruit juice off before putting it in the Jell-o he’s making for dinner. 

Anna has been barking at everyone about everything. 

And we can’t seem to go more than three minutes without an argument breaking out. 

I am exhausted and it is only 11:30 in the morning. 

And of course there are all the usual things that need to be done, like dishes and laundry and floors and shopping. 

As I laid out my day last night I had visions of quality family time making maps (I’m really excited about a geography unit we’re working on in preparation for the Olympics) and exploring the library.  I imagined working together in the garden and making a fun Family Night. 

As it is, I find myself gasping in shock, closing my eyes, counting to ten, and slowly reopening them hoping what I thought I saw or heard was a mistake.  But it’s not.  It’s still there when I open my eyes. 

I know I should be grateful for every single one of those things because they mean I’m a mother.  And I get to be home with my kids.  And I’m a part of their lives.  And my life is full of the stuff of life – the good and the not-so-good.  And then I think about how I want it all to be better and richer and sweeter and more meaningful.

And I keep feeling like summer’s flying and I’m missing it because I’m so busy taking care of all the things that “have” to be done.  And too many days are turning out to be one of those days.


Aspen said...

It sounds like we are having VERY similar mornings. Your feelings seem to echo mine exactly. Here's to a GREAT afternoon! :)

The Evans Family said...

Oh my goodness, don't forget that you had two extra three year olds at 8:30 in the morning! I am sorry to add to your craziness and then to sit and talk your ear off. You are an amazing woman MyLiege!

Annalea said...

MyLiege, you are not alone. I can't tell you how good it is to know that our family isn't the only one that has plenty of days like these . . . and that I'm not the only mother that aches inside for her family to be happier, and have days that are "better and richer and sweeter and more meaningful". Hang in there. We're supposed to come unto Christ--and I keep having it pounded into my head that He will give us all we need to do that, no matter how much it hurts. ;o)

And when in doubt, take a break and read to the kids. I need to do that more, too.

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