Thursday, December 24, 2009
The Ugly Winner
As it was, my horridly dressed husband won the prize for "Ugliest Ensemble". Please note the high-water pants. (I would have killed for some red socks to go with those!) The glasses are mine, and do not look in any way silly when they are resting on my nose. We were ridiculously proud (seems fitting, since he looked ridiculous). It was so much fun to put all those finely-honed costuming skills to work in the midst of my child-rearing sabbatical.
Dustin, you should know that you were our complete inspiration and I was kicking myself all night for not getting out to a thrift store and rounding up a nice women's snowman vest to go with that striped turtleneck (maternity wear - gotta love having a current wardrobe that my husband can actually wear - not that he does - at least - I mean - unless it's for a prize).
Merry Christmas to all! Have a wonderful holiday!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The Tree
This year we decided (after getting the idea from some friends) to let every single person in this family put the star on the tree. It all felt rather silly to me to keep putting it on and taking it off, but it kept the kids happy. They were all satisfied, and that counts for a lot.
We also took a family picture in front of the tree this year which we have never done. I think it is a neat tradition that lots of families do, but we've just never thought of it before. It was actually rather exciting for me because we got to drag out the tripod and I got to use the delayed release on my shutter. Very fun to play with the camera. ;>
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Glittering With My Girl
Anna took her turn at all aspects and did a fine job (at least for a three-year-old). This is one of the biggest things I miss about the kids being in public school, instead of home with me. I miss the projects - all of us all together doing something fun and creative. Occasionally I will put out some art supplies and the kids will delve into it after school, but by the time snacks and homework are over they really just want to run and play for a while.
I hope we can do some fun things together over Christmas. I checked out some fun books from the library and I would like to add some homemade ornaments to the tree this year (kiddo-made, not mommy-made). However I have been forced to cut back on my ambitious projects this year. As my body enters this final phase of baby-making I just can't keep up with myself. So I will take it one day at a time - moment by moment - with a smile on my face. I'll just do what I can, and let the rest fall away. (Thank you, Sean, for picking up all the pieces I am dropping. I love you.)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
My Drum
I see myself in many ways in the same position as the Little Drummer Boy. I have nothing fit to give a king - I am very poor and simple in that way. All I have is my little drum - an instrument that is so much apart of me I do not even realize I have it, I do not even realize it is my gift. So what is my drum? It is my life. The little drummer boy gives all of his fine-tuned, acquired knowledge and skill, as meager as it is, as a gift to honor the Savior. I am young and weak and flawed, but the strengths I have come from God and dedicating them to him daily - my life to him daily - is the greatest song I can play for my Master.
Oven Update
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Thanksgiving Aftermath
Back to my little story. Saturday evening I put a batch of cookies in the oven. After one and half hours the oven had achieved a maximum temperature of 330*. The cookies baked a little longer than called for (at a lower temperature than called for), but turned out okay. We resigned ourselves to replacing the element in the stove and continued to use the cook top. Until last night, when Sean thought he would take a look at the element needing replacement and get it ordered (still not done). In the process of removing the element (which for some scary reason seemed to only be brushing up against the necessary wires, as opposed to completely, tightly intertwined with the necessary wires), the element started breaking into pieces. It also gave Sean quite a little shock (electrically speaking) and he has decommissioned the stove until further notice.
Dah!!!! Suddenly my kids are asking for sweet breads, and I just want to make dinner, and maybe a batch of rolls or garlic toast. No dice. Stir-fry is not even an option. Oh, and pasta! But that's not stopping us. Oh, no. We can make waffles. We have a crock pot. I have even been considering pulling out the reflector oven from our emergency kit and whipping up some biscuits. (Don't anybody hold your breath on that last one.)
So, as far as Thanksgiving goes. I just want to say that I am grateful for a working stove - when I have one - and the possibility of a working stove on the horizon. I'm so thankful to have something to look forward to.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
FHE: A Tasting Party
I made up six different kinds of cocoa, based on a single recipe. We had plain, cinnamon and mint - each made with two different kinds of sugar. While the kids cut snowflakes with Daddy to hang in their rooms, I set up the tasting table.
It was so much fun. My favorite part was the quiet after they each drank their swallows as they tried to decide if they liked the flavors and why. One was a doosy - cinnamon cocoa made with powdered sugar. It was surprisingly bitter (although it tasted fine with granulated sugar). All in all it was a very fun Family Night. And I am all set for Activity Days as a bonus!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Before and After: Master Suite
I think we spent a total of one week sleeping in this room when we first moved in. I know for a fact that the color was a dream come true for the previous residents of this room. However, it was not my dream come true. It actually made me want to avoid my new bedroom - at all costs.
Two summers ago, while Sean was at Scout Camp, I spent an entire week repainting and redecorating our bedroom. It was gorgeous! And Sean loved it. So it only made sense that when we moved into this house last spring, that we would replicate the color and design elements of our beloved master suite. The bedroom was painted within a week (Devine Toile - if you're interested), with the help of my sister and her daughters, but the bathroom remained a hideous (again, just not my taste) aqua. Until a few days ago.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Christmas Crafting
And I found a pattern and inspiration for a "black apple doll". I am so excited about this one. These dolls retail for $40 on
So, so, so cute. She is not finished and I'm not telling who she's for, but you can bet I will be making more of these sweet things. Anna is already begging for a pink one. I hope all of your Chistmas shopping and crafting is coming along in a way that makes you happy. And, in case you don't hear from me until after the holiday - Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Girly Gifts
This little project shown above is not for Christmas. I happened upon this on a lovely little blog: I had to tweak the pattern just a bit because it needed to be blown up. These our for our new little one on the way. They are fuzzy, cuddly, cute burp cloths - and I love them!!! I already have a little stack in the diaper bag, and another little stack with all of the new baby things that are being gathered. They are super easy to make and go pretty fast. Be warned - if you know me and you're having a baby anytime soon, you will probably be getting a set of these (in gender specific colors, of course) - they are just too cute and easy to pass up as a gift option.
And last, but not least, is a birthday surprise for a sweet niece . . . I can't wait! (Don't you just love all this girly fabric!)
Monday, November 16, 2009
Mad Science Sunday
Meet Djeryd (a.k.a. the mad scientist host of Einstein Online). Something I love about Djeryd is that when something grabs his interest it becomes an intellectual passion for an adventure-filled interval of his young life. On Saturday he went to a chemistry workshop at a local grade school and came home wanting to mix every substance he could find in the house and document his ground-breaking discoveries. On Sunday we were privy to his first ever science show - Einstein Online (clever name, me thinks). He showed off his newly acquired knowledge, until Sean could take it no more and decided to dive in.
Yes, that is my love surfing "easy home science experiments" on his iPhone. Yes, I roll my eyes, but I love it, too. ;> Once Daddy got involved, Erik was right behind him as a handy assistant.
The results were (aside from a very fun Sunday afternoon for the entire family) a colorful illustration of density ("Lorraine, you're my density." - you go, McFly!)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Sorry it has taken so long. Here are the much-requested recipes (and I seriously hope I am not violating copyright laws).
These croutons are wonderful in creamy, savory/sweet soups - like a squash soup. They are also addictive little munchies.
From Capriel's Soup and Sandwiches
Makes 4 cups
(directions, not ingredients, modified slightly)
1/4 cup butter
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 baguette or loaf of sourdough, cut into 1/4" cubes
Preheat oven to 375*
In small bowl, stir together brown sugar and spices. Melt butter in microwave and pour over bowl of bread cubes. Stir until well coated. Then pour sugar/spice mixture over buttered bread and stir until well coated. Line large baking sheet with parchment paper and spread out croutons evenly. Bake for 25-30 minutes. Cool completely before storing. (*If your croutons need a little crisping up the next day put them in a 300* oven for 20 minutes, or so. Then let cool. They should crunch up quite nicely.)
From an episode of Giada at Home
Makes enough for about three slices of cheesecake, double or triple as needed
(again, slightly modified by me)
Juice from one lemon
1/4 cup sugar
1 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)
(You can actually use one cup of any fruit you choose - I find the lemon-blueberry combination is amazing! (which I discovered quite accidentally while making lemon bars last summer during blueberry season - what does one do with all those fresh berries??))
Boil lemon juice (seeds removed) and sugar in a small saucepan over med-high heat. Boil for four or five minutes. Keep an eye on it so it does not boil over, stirring frequently. Stir in blueberries and bring back to boil, then turn off heat and cover for ten minutes. (You could probably keep the heat up and stir the berries a lot and it would be done sooner, but it will compromise the texture of the whole berries.) Ready to serve! I like it warm over cold cheesecake. YUM!
Bon appetit!
Monday, November 9, 2009
FHE: Mother, May I?
"Mother, may I take three big hops?"
"Mother, may I flibberdee-hollen ten times?"
"Mother, may I carry my brother two steps because I just whacked him on the foot and our Family Home Evening lesson tonight was on showing that we're sorry and not just saying it?"
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Bathmat and Blanket
First off is the lovely bathmat you see above for my kiddos bathroom. We finally got the thing painted, but have done NOTHING since then (we are talking no hooks for towels, no pictures hung, nadda). I think the mat will provide great color inspiration for the rest of the room. (WARNING: Do not blow up this picture to get a better look. Djeryd has been cleaning the upstairs bathroom by himself for the past couple of months - enough said.)
The other project I finished this morning was a knit patchowork blanket for Anna's dolls. I have had the squares done for months, but the idea of sewing them all together (something I have never done with hand-knitted fabric) was very intimidating to me. Well, I found some easy instructions in a children's craft book, took needle and thread in hand, and dove in. It turned out so great. I'm very excited because I have been knitting squares for a grown-up size blanket since March and I'm relieved to have reason to hope it may actually get made. ;>
And a final special treat of the morning is I think I found a new favorite picture of Annaliese.
Monday, November 2, 2009
The Humanizer
But ya gotta understand, I'm a humanizer. That's just my way. I can't be tied down to one person, one family. I need my freedom, my space, my chance to explore life without any strings attached. You would have just slowed me down. I would have become angry, frustrated - it wouldn't have worked out between us. You'll just have to get over me. But, oh, I know you won't, not really. I might see you again someday. I might not. That's how things roll with me. I've got a million hearts out there to break. Love 'em and leave 'em. That's what I do. I'm a humanizer.