Wednesday, February 17, 2010

One Day More

It could make a person cry. Looking at the present state of my house. A state that we have been living in for two solid weeks.

I can't believe I have been smiling through most of it. In a little over 24 hours my house will be put back together and I will have a new lease on life.

I'm sure I will cry tomorrow. Hopefully I won't blubber all over the carpet layers in effusions of joy and gratitude. If I have any dignity at all I will go hide in my closet, lie down on my new carpet, and cry there. Oh, happy day!

Next post: images that are not for the weak of stomach. I'm just warning you . . .
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The Evans Family said...

You so deserve tomorrow, and I wouldn't blame you if you did cry!

Douhet said...

I understand your pain. We lived in only three bedrooms and two baths (only one worked) for eight months. The kitchen table was in the master bath and the refrigerator was in the hallway. For two or three months, the front wall of the house facing the street was made up of plywood and tarps. It's amazing what we put ourselves through sometimes. Hopefully it helps us stay grounded and appriciate the things we do have in life more.

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