Friday, June 25, 2010


At what point, exactly, in my post-partum continuum, do I no longer have an excuse for senseless crying and inexplicable frustration?  Just asking.

1 comment:

Annalea said...

The point at which you once more have been getting enough sleep on a regular basis, and are feeding yourself well enough to avoid blood-sugar lows. When you're overtired, your body runs on adrenaline, and that can make for a really tearful mom when things get to be too much.

I'm going on two years, and am still not there . . . sigh. (Going raw totally took care of the blood sugar problem, but I've fallen off the wagon, and am slooooowly climbing back on again.)

I know I've gotten enough sleep when doing the dishes (or laundry, or whatever chore is staring me in the face) doesn't make me want to cry. ;o)

Best of luck . . .

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