Sunday, January 29, 2012

Breaking the Rules

I’m pretty big on rules (probably bigger than I should be), but every once in a while there comes a time to throw them out the window.

Jumping off the couch 094

I have to be very careful about my timing because I have a certain little someone in my house who really struggles with knowing where the lines are and when enough is enough. Flexibility in regular rules can screw up his little brain for weeks, if not months.

 Jumping off the couch 074

So when the girls started diving off the couch Friday after Kindergarten I let things slide because it was just us girls (*furniture jumping is strictly forbidden*).

 Jumping off the couch 029

They were hilarious!  They assembled a diving board by stringing the couch, the table and the ottoman all together.  They would run off the “diving board” and . . .

Jumping off the couch 101

. . . SPLASH into the water.

Jumping off the couch 090 

Over and over and over again, for over an hour, one after the other, only stopping for a quick cuddle.

Jumping off the couch 112

And only pausing for a picture.


Sierra said...

It's all about judging when it's okay to break a rule. Flexibility is a good thing, but not when the kids see it and then try to bend you completely in half. Moderation in all things, yeah?

The Evans Family said...

I had to laugh when I saw this post. Remember our conversation the other day about relaxing as parents? In my mind I was totally thinking about how I have let Isaac and Grace jump on the couch on occasion. Emma NEVER had that opportunity! The twins are just too cute as they "jump for joy" off the couch together (those are their words). Yes, flexibility is good at times! Great pictures!

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